At the age of 27, Jamie Lynn has had a career to rival most middle age men. From her debut in Crossroads (I mean…all time fave!) at age 11 to improving on Nickelodeon’s All That to her starring role on beloved hit Zoey 101 plus a major Country album and killer performances at Nashville’s Grand Ole Opry, Jamie continuously pushes herself as a performer, as a wife, as a sister, as a daughter, and most importantly, as a mother of two incredible girls. From her house in Louisiana, The Dopple superfan shares what it was like to be a young mom (without Amazon, Honest, or Dopple!), if she would let her girls get into the business, and why it’s important to (occasionally) lose your s*^%.

Q: You’re a mom of two amazing girls ages ten and (almost!) one! Has the age difference made it easier or harder to go from one to two?
A: It’s been a pretty smooth transition for the most part, but I think that could have something to with the age gap between them. I would think going from one to two children, when they are both under five would be a much harder transition. Maddie is older, so she is able to really be helpful and understanding in some situations that can be tough with a new baby. Don’t get me wrong, we have had our tough moments though – just like everyone else!

Q: Has anything (gear, clothes, parenting styles, etc.) changed from when you first had Maddie in 2008 to when you had Ivey in 2019.
A: Umm… yes. Pretty much everything, because of the internet! If you’re questioning anything you can google it, which is very helpful at times, but also can cause you to have a meltdown over a simple cough, because the internet said it could possibly be something horrible, haha. I do love the convenience of Amazon and the Honest Company. I mean, having everything delivered, so you don’t have to get your new baby out when they are sick or the weather is bad is a big win for a mom. It’s crazy how much the internet has changed things in just ten years.
Q: What was it like being a young mom?
A: I don’t feel like a young mom at all now, but I guess that’s because I had my first daughter so very young. I use to be insecure at times, because I was always the youngest mom in the room. I quickly learned that being a good and competent mother has nothing to do with age. I have met some of the most wonderful amazing moms who are anywhere from 20 years old to 50 years old, so young or old, love is all it’s really about.

Q: What’s the most important thing you’ve learned since becoming a mother that you wish you could of told yourself pre-kids?
A: Do not compare yourself as a mother to anyone else. Each child is different, and therefore each mother is different. Something that works for someone else, may not work for you and your baby and vice versa. Of course, take advice from others, but always trust your instincts and what YOUR gut is telling you more than anything.
Q: You took a TV hiatus after having Maddie. Would you ever want to get back into the mix?
A: I’m open to anything that allows me to be creative and connect with my fans, especially the ones who have been with me since the Zoey days.

Q: We’re also obsessed with your Grand Ole Opry performance! Any new tunes coming out soon?
A: Thank you, playing the Opry is the ultimate honor every time. I have had new music ready, and a project to go along with it ready since I was pregnant with Ivey, but a few unexpected family health concerns came up, so I put everything on hold. Family first always, but I am dying to share everything I have been working on.

Q: You started working when you were Maddie’s age! Has she expressed interest in acting/singing? Would you let your girls go into the business?
A: It’s so weird to think that I was working on a show at her age. I couldn’t imagine her doing a tv show right now, but then again she does play on travel sports teams and plays at a much more intense level then I ever could have at her age and she loves it, like I loved doing my show. So, I guess, it’s all about what your kid is passionate about, and you support that no matter if it’s being on a tv show or being on a softball team.

Q: How did you meet your husband?
A: My close friend, and his close friend are a couple who have been together forever, and we were around each other a lot with them. It was a friendship that turned into more as we spent more quality time together. No big fancy story, just two people who found each other at the right time.

Q: If someone only knew you from social media, how would they describe your life/experience? If they could see the reality behind the scenes, what would they see instead?
A: I try to be honest on my socials, but like everyone else, I often put up my best moments and not my worst. I really try to find the balance of being honest and open without exploiting myself or my family. People probably assume I am confident at all times, I workout every day, eat great, my house is always spotless, I get to do whatever I want whenever I want, and that I have very little stress, and never lose my s*^%.
In real life, I can be insecure, I skip the gym and eat a cookie some days, sometimes I just don’t have it in me to clean. My life revolves around naps, carline, sports games and practices, and sometimes I ask for a minute alone so I can lose my s*^% privately.

Q: Any epic #momfail moments that stand out?
A: Oh goodness, I can’t remember them all, but most recently I had one that still gives me mom guilt. I was going on work trip, and Ivey and my mom were coming with me, because Ivey was only about three months old at the time. It was the first trip I would be leaving Maddie behind with my husband, since Ivey was born. I somehow forgot that it was also grandparents day at my daughter’s school and I only realized this on the way to the airport. I had my mother with me to help with Ivey on my work trip, so I couldn’t just call her and tell her to go to school real quick. All I could picture was Maddie sitting all alone at grandparents day, while we were all together. I called another mother and she had her mom sit with Maddie and her daughter, so that made me feel a little better that she wasn’t alone, but still was a major mom fail on my part.
Q: What is it like raising a family in Louisiana versus Tennessee? What do you love about creating your home in Louisiana?
A: I say this all the time, but Louisiana is where my support system is. I was raised here, I have history here, and I love the people here. I can travel for work, and come home and just focus on being a mom. Plus, my mom is a HUGE part of our lives, so I need to raise my kids where is closest to her, haha.
Q: Favorite local store?
A: Local Honey Baby
Q: Favorite local restaurant?
A: Kirin Sushi
Q: Favorite local kid’s activity?
A: Discovery Center
Q: Three things you can’t live without?
A: Disinfectant wipes, my mom, and Netflix!

Q: What makes you feel sexy?
A: When I’m a little sore the day after a good workout or when my husband gives me a compliment.
Q: Fave womenswear brands?
A: Rag & Bone, Tribe Kelley, Philosophy, Jean Therapy, & Athleta.
Q: Fave kids brands?
A: Rylee + Cru, Petite Lucette, Little Goodall, Madras Made, Frankie & Sue, Mademoiselle a Soho, Tinycottons, Chandamama, & Copper Key.